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Pattern Healing Sessions

photo: Ladan Nabet

Clarity at Life's Crossroads

Have you reached a crossroads where what you've been doing up until now just isn't working? Maybe it hasn't been working for a while, and you're still feeling stuck around how to move forward. Deeply stuck.

It's painful to feel off track, confused or frozen. To not feel connected to your aliveness and sense of purpose.

Perhaps you keep trying to power through, and yet you're still struggling. A part of you wants to move forward, yet you can't seem to get ahead. And sometimes it even feels like you're blocked from moving forward. 

Maybe you're also tired of hiding and dampening parts of who you are at work or with the people that matter most to you.

In the face of thorny or paralyzing obstacles, connecting with a bigger perspective and unconditional layers of spiritual support is powerful medicine. They can illuminate what we can't see and offer clarity. They can tend what is too big for one person to carry.

In sessions, I connect with wise and compassionate spirit guides who offer support for your healing intentions and personal sovereignty.

These connections help unravel knotted places in your life, restore your life force and open to new possibilities to be your authentic self.

Through their guidance, various types of support may be offered for the challenges you face:

  • Identifying what's at the root of your stuck places so they can be freed up
  • Unravelling blocks, both personal and ancestral
  • Energy Healing for clarity and replenishment
  • Compassionate Relocation & Psychopomp Support for unwelcome, unsupportive or hindering energetic influences and beings
  • Connecting with spiritual nourishment and guidance in the face of oppressive systems
  • Receiving blessings from your well ancestors, ancestors of place and vocation, and spirit guides


Your Knowing
It's important to continue to cultivate your own way finding and discernment. Sessions are intended support you in this process by illuminating energy dynamics, transgenerational and soul history influences on your current circumstances. They aren't predictive. 

Your personal wisdom and inner authority are important. I'll be checking in with you during your session to confirm if you would like to receive the support that is being offered, pause, or augment what you would like to receive in some way.

Working Together

Sessions can take place in person or online. For some issues I work best virtually. 

The first step is to complete the Pattern Healing Request Form.

I'll sit with my guides to confirm if I'm able to connect with support around your session intention at this time. Please allow 3-10 business days for me to reply. 

Initial Session, 1 hr 45 min
It's not uncommon to start noticing shifts once you book your session and leading up to your appointment.

Ongoing Sessions, 90 or 120 min

Diagnostic Reading, 60 min
If you're not ready to book a full session or would like a map for what my guides recommend before doing the work, begin with a diagnostic session. You'll share with me what's going on, and I'll relay what my guides share about the issue and available support.

The purpose of the reading is to bring clarity about next steps, whether we work together further or you work with someone else. No clearing or pattern healing work is done during this session.

** Please come with curiosity, openness and a clear connection to your intention for the session. While sessions seek to bring forward support for your intention, I can't predict what guidance and information will come through for you. Sometimes you may receive information that's different than you anticipated. **

What's the Process?

This work is individualized and a series of sessions is typically recommended. Some patterns shift in a few sessions. While others illuminate areas for further tending.

On occasion, the timing of a session may not be optimal or more time may be needed for integration between sessions. If I'm aware of that before a session, I'll let you know via email. If we encounter this in a session, fees will be prorated accordingly. 

Sometimes it may be appropriate for there to be a period of weeks or months for integration after a series of sessions.  

Psychotherapy can be a very helpful container for integrating our work together, helping you "walk the change", and tending the seeds of what you wish to cultivate now. 

Please Note
I don't do this style of healing work with those in crisis, experiencing major emotional or psychological instability, or fragile health. In these circumstances, I recommend engaging the support of a somatic psychotherapist working with trauma and early developmental trauma, appropriate medical care, or practitioners trained to work with those in active and ongoing crisis in order to regain stability. 

My Background in Spirit-Mediated Healing

These sessions are guided by my connection to wise and compassionate healing spirits, allies, protectors, psychopomps, powers of nature and luminous ancestors.

I give thanks to my teachers: Betsy Bergstrom (Curse Unravelling, Compassionate Depossession, Seidr) and Maris Begrune (Mediumship). And for the energy healing and ancestral reverence practices from my various trainings. I also honor my ancestral connections to these practices. My work is also shaped by close to two decades of studying and working with clients managing chronic health and pain issues.

May you have clarity about what is and is not yours to carry.

May you trust your true self. May you be at choice.

~ all bodies welcome ~